Monday, October 21, 2013

Cool hand Luke. Opinions.

Cool hand Luke is a great movie when you are looking for an anti-establishment film, but let's take a closer look at certain scenes in the movie. The very first scene where Luke is cutting heads off of parking meters. First ask why is he doing this? Later in the movie Luke says he was settling an old score, but with who? And what for? After that why did he let himself get caught? With this many questions and so little answers this early in the film I did not like it to begin with. But others seem to disagree both the NewYork Times and Roger Elbert speak highly of it, saying that it was a good movie.

Opinions, strong or week

Let's take a minute to discuss opinions. First what is an opinion? An opinion is a person's or group's thoughts on an event or object. Now what makes a good or bad opinion?? Well good or bad is not allowed so we will use strong an weak. This will be determined by how you can back up you ideas and thoughts. So by now we have watched a few movies by now and here they are

- the Truman show
- cool hand Luke
- Milan rouge
- training day
- American graffiti 

Tell me your thoughts!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Hello world! This is a blog where I will be making posts for my rhetoric of cinema class. Describing different types of shots and things to do with mise en scene. Please keep an eye out for these types of posts.